6. Statistics from a study
Identify the key facts and figures from your class readings.
According to the results of one study, the correlation between estimates
of European ancestry and various measures of IQ among African-
Americans was
A. virtually zero
B. around 0.50
C. around -0.75
D. near a perfect 1.00
Anticipate these questions before the test. When you’re studying:
1. Summarize the key findings from your readings and lecture
What was the purpose of the study?
What did the researchers do?
What were the results?
What do the results mean?
2. Read the abstract and summary of the research paper.
7. Degrees of change from a study
Apply concepts in different situations and predict the outcomes.
Often includes a focus on organs, biological systems, diseases,
processes, etc. All of these can be turned into this type of multiple choice
question. The topics are taken out of their usual context and you have to
predict what will happen.
Mandy has no rods in her retina. Cliff has both cones and rods in his
retina. Mandy and Cliff both go into a dark movie theatre after walking in
the bright sunshine. While in the dark, Mandy will
A. increase her sensitivity to light faster than Cliff
B. increase her sensitivity to light more slowly than Cliff
C. eventually develop greater sensitivity to light than Cliff will
D. eventually develop less sensitivity to light than Cliff will
Identify how a concept is applied in different contexts
Answer: What happens if…?