Science Bowl
Biology - 25
BIOL-91; Multiple Choice: Various types of cartilage can be found in the huma BIOL-91; Short
Answer: The larval form of butterflies and moths is more commonly known as what?
ANSWER: caterpillar
BIOL-91 Short Answer: Name the sac-like, blind pouch of the large intestine, situated below the
level of the junction of the small intestine into the side of the large intestine. At the lower portion
of this pouch one finds the appendix.
ANSWER: Cecum or Caecum
BIOL-91; Multiple Choice: During the final stage of cell division, the mitotic apparatus
disappears, the chromosomes become attenuated, the centrioles duplicate and split, the nuclear
membrane becomes reconstituted and the nucleolus reappears. This phase of cell division is
known as:
a) prophase
(pron: prO-phase)
b) metaphase
c) anaphase
d) telophase
ANSWER: D -- Telophase
BIOL-91; Multiple Choice: In cell division, the phase following the metaphas is known as:
a) prophase
b) anaphase
c) telophase
d) extophase
ANSWER: B -- Anaphase
BIOL-91; Short Answer: All cells of an organism find their lineage from a single fertilized cell.
This single fertilized cell is called what?
ANSWER: Zygote
BIOL-91; Multiple Choice: Name the clear watery liquid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord
and fills the four cavities or ventricles of the brain.
ANSWER: Cerebrospinal Fluid