Science Bowl
Biology - 74
BIOL-92; Short Answer: What is the tick-borne disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi,
commonly called?
BIOL-92; Short Answer: Bacteria and blue-green algae are among the few types of these cells,
which lack a nuclear membrane. Name this type of cell.
ANSWER: PROCARYOTIC CELL (pron: pro-KARE-ee-o-tik)
BIOL-92; Short Answer: The ratio of which two types of lymphocytes is an indication of the
AIDS virus?
ANSWER: TH AND TS CELLS (Thelper and Tsuppressor is also acceptable)
BIOL-92; Short Answer: Name the term which is used to describe the biotic an abiotic
components of a particular biological area. A pond or a forest would be examples.
BIOL-92; Short Answer: What is the term used in ecology to refer to a habitat zone such as a
grassland or tundra, resulting from interaction of climate, biota (pron: bi-O-ta), and substratum?
ANSWER: BIOME (pron: BI-owm)
BIOL-92; Multiple Choice: Which term is used to describe organisms which live on or in the
bottom of an ocean or lake. Such organisms can be found anywhere from the shoreline to the
greatest ocean depths?
a) biota
b) benthos
c) nekton
d) plankton