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Clinical Oncology – Previous Examination Papers 

Critically appraise the use of 


FDG-PET imaging in staging, determining prognosis, treatment planning and 

follow up of patients with cancer.  Illustrate your answer using


two common malignancies. 


Question 6



Describe the problems associated with cancer treatment in elderly patients. 


Describe how you would evaluate an elderly patient with cancer prior to making recommendations 
about treatment.  What are the important factors that need to be considered to inform your 



You are going to treat an 80 year old man who has a T2N0M0 (tumour invades muscularis propria) 
oesophageal cancer with radical chemoradiation.  The patient has moderate dysphagia, he is ECOG 
1, and has <10% weight loss.   


What measures would you recommend to improve treatment compliance and tolerability?  Include in 
your answer possible modifications to the chemoradiation regimen. 

July 2007 

Question 1 

Regarding the management of cancer pain: 

a) Describe the use of systemic analgesic drugs and other pharmaceutical agents (adjuvants). 

b)  What are the commonly observed side effects of opioid therapy and how would you manage them? 

Question 2 

Describe the acute side effects and the late complications of the following systemic therapies: 


Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. 


BEP (Bleomycin, Etoposide and Cisplatin) chemotherapy for testicular cancers. 


Herceptin (Trastuzumab) for breast cancer. 

Question 3 

Regarding colorectal cancer screening programmes: 


Describe the criteria for choosing a suitable screening test. 


Describe the advantages and disadvantages of potential screening tests including a summary of the 
evidence for each test. 


Describe the factors to be considered in assessing the costs and benefits. 

Question 4 

Describe the rationale, type of drugs used, expected benefits and potential risks associated with the use of 
cytotoxic chemotherapy given concurrently with radiation treatment for cancers of the following sites: 


Head and neck 

e) Rectum 
f) Oesophagus 

Question 5 

Critically appraise the use of 


FDG-PET imaging in staging, determining prognosis, treatment planning and 

follow up of patients with cancer.  Illustrate your answer using


two common malignancies. 

Question 6 


Describe the problems associated with cancer treatment in elderly patients. 


Describe how you would evaluate an elderly patient with cancer prior to making recommendations about 
treatment.  What are the important factors that need to be considered to inform your recommendations? 


You are going to treat an 80 year old man who has a T2N0M0 (tumour invades muscularis propria) 
oesophageal cancer with radical chemoradiation.  The patient has moderate dysphagia, he is ECOG 1, 
and has <10% weight loss.   
What measures would you recommend to improve treatment compliance and tolerability?  Include in your 
answer possible modifications to the chemoradiation regimen. 


February 2007 

1.  Discuss the issues to be considered when managing a woman who is found to be pregnant at the time of 

diagnosis with a 10mm maximal diameter primary breast cancer.  She has no distant spread of disease on 
examination and imaging. 


Clinical Oncology Past Examination Papers

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