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Four requirements of prescription:

1)the possession must be exercised in the form of actual exercise of sovereign authority;

2) the possession must be for a long period of time;

3) the possession must be public; and

4) the possession must be peaceful and uninterrupted.

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The peaceful and continuous display is also an essential element although as compared to occupation, prescription requires a () proof and () period of the display of authority.

stricter, longer

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Moreover, any protest or objection by the losing state destroys the peaceful display of authority of the

claiming state

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is the transfer of territory usually by treaty from one state to another.


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Concomitant of transfer of territory is the transfer of sovereignty from the owner state to another state.


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And since cession is a bilateral transaction, the parties involved are


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may also be in the form of exchange of territory or in the form gift or donation or devise.


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is acquiring territory by the use of force. The practice before was after conquest, the conqueror annexed the conquered territory to his state.


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Thus, conquest first takes place followed by


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But with the establishment of the (), conquest is no longer acceptable in the international community.

United Nations

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n is the attainment of sovereignty over new land due to slow movement of natural forces. Example of this is the gradual movement of a river bed.


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On the other hand, if the natural forces happened suddenly, like creation of an island in territorial waters due to volcanic eruption, it is referred as


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is the process of creating new land from oceans, riverbeds, or lake beds.


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1. Area & location;

2. Climate and natural resources;

3. Size and quality of population;

4. Events in history

5. Institutions and policies;

6. alliances and other factors such as international prestige, military strength, etc.

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