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National Board Part 1:  Review questions for histology/oral histology

(Answers follow at the end)

1. Normally most of the circulating white blood cells are

a. basophilic leukocytes
b. monocytes
c. lymphocytes
d. eosinophilic leukocytes
e. neutrophilic leukocytes

2. Blood platelets are products of

a. osteoclasts
b. basophils
c. red blood cells
d. plasma cells
e. megakaryocytes

3. Bacteria are frequently ingested by

a. neutrophilic leukocytes
b. basophilic leukocytes
c. mast cells
d. small lymphocytes
e. fibrocytes

4. It is believed that worn out red cells are normally destroyed in the spleen by

a. neutrophils
b. macrophages
c. megakaryocytes
d. monocytes
e. mast cells

5. Which of the following does not exhibit phagocytic properties?

a. monocytes
b. basophils
c. platelets
d. eosinophils
e. PMN's (PMLs)



Dental Board exams (questions for histology/oral histology)

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