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105. The vagina is lined by this specific type of epithelium

a. transitional
b. stratified squamous keratinizing
c. stratified squamous non-keratinizing
d. pseudostratified columnar
e. stratified cuboidal

106. When a tooth first erupts into the oral cavity, the attached epithelial cuff is composed of

epithelium derived from


a. lamina propria
b. epithelial rests (of Malassez)
c. (Hertwig's) epithelial root sheath
d. oral mucosa
e. reduced enamel epithelium

107. Tritiated thymidine is a radioisotope that is incorporated into DNA during the s-stage.

Consequently, tritiated thymidine may be used to identify dividing cells. Which cells
of the dental organ would you expect would incorporate tritiated thymidine? Cells
whose function is


a. organizing
b. maturation
c. morphogenic
d. protection
e. secretory

108. Which one of the following is a part of the tooth germ (dental/enamel organ)?

a. inner dental epithelium
b. dental sac
c. dental papilla
d. stellate reticulum
e. dental lamina

109. Avitaminosis (scurvey) results in a loosening of the teeth in the sockets chiefly because

ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is needed by


a. osteoblasts to form bone
b. cells to produce collagen
c. odontoblasts to form dentin
d. cells to fight viruses
e. cementoblasts to form cementum



Dental Board exams (questions for histology/oral histology)

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