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173. Mitochondria in association with basal infoldings of the plasmalemma are

characteristically found in


a. excretory duct cells
b. serous cells
c. intercalated duct cells
d. mucous cells
e. striated ( secretory) duct cells

174. The epithelial rests (of Malassez) arise from

a. dental follicle
b. outer dental epithelium
c. epithelial root sheath
d. dental organ
e. inner dental epithelium

175. In general, the deeper a cavity preparation is made into the dentin the

a. less concentrated the dentinal tubules
b. less permeable the dentin structurally
c. weaker the remaining dentin (or stronger etc.)
d. greater the amount of peritubular dentin(& lesser)
e. fewer odontoblasts are affected

176. When an oral surgeon extracts a mandibular first molar, all of the principal fibers of the

periodontal ligament are torn from their attachment to alveolar bone except for the


a. transeptal fibers
b. oblique fiber
c. interradicular fibers
d. dentoperiosteal fibers
e. alveolar crest fibers

177. All of the following are part of or arise from the dental organ except the

a. rests of Malassez
b. reduced enamel epithelium
c. epithelial root sheath
d. cervical loop
e. dental sac



Dental Board exams (questions for histology/oral histology)

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