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41- Flashcard

¨ To adopt and institute a comprehensive() for universities, colleges, and training institutes based on the passing ratio and overall performance of students in board examination

¨ To exercise () over the various professional regulatory boards and its members

¨ To adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to effectively implement () with respect to the regulation and practice of the profession

rating system, administrative supervision, policies

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42- Flashcard

¨ To implement the program for the full () of all licensure examinations given by the various professional regulatory boards including the registration of professionals not later than the year 2003 and other operations of the Commission.

¨ To () and decide administrative matters involving officers and employees under the jurisdiction of the Commission

¨ To investigate () or upon the filing of a verified complaint, any member of the Professional Regulatory Boards for neglect of duty, incompetence, unprofessional, unethical, immoral

computerization, investigate, motu proprio

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¨ To call upon or request any department, instrumentality, office, bureau, institution or agency of the government including local government units to render such () as it may require, or to coordinate or cooperate in order to carry out, enforce or implement the professional regulatory policies of the government or any program or activity it may undertake pursuant to the provisions of this Act


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To initiate an investigation, upon complaint under oath by an aggrieved party, of any person, whether a private individual or professional, local or foreign, who practices the regulated profession or occupation without being authorized by law, or without being registered with and licensed by the concerned regulatory board and issued the corresponding license/professional identification card or temporary or special permit, or who commits any of the prohibited acts provided in the regulatory laws of the various professions, which acts are () in nature, and if the evidence so warrants, to forward the records of the case to the office of the () for the filing of the corresponding information in court by the lawyers of the legal services of the Commission who may prosecute said case/s upon being deputized by the()

criminal, city or provincial prosecutor, Secretary of Justice.

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45- Flashcard

To prepare an annual () of accomplishments on the programs, projects and activities of the Commission during the year for submission to Congress after the close of its calendar year and make appropriate recommendations on issues and/or problems affecting the Commission, the Professional Regulatory Board, and the various professions under its jurisdiction


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The Commission is hereby authorized to create() offices as may be necessary to carry out their functions mandated under this Act


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(a) To () the practice of the professions in accordance with the provisions of their respective professional regulatory laws

(b) To () the () affecting the practice of the profession or occupation under their respective jurisdictions and whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the enhancement of the profession or occupation and/or the maintenance of high professional, ethical and technical standards, and for this purpose the members of the Board duly authorized by the Commission with deputized employees of the Commission, may conduct ocular inspection in industrial, mechanical, electrical or chemical plants or establishments, hospitals, clinics, laboratories, testing facilities, mines and quarries, other engineering facilities and in the case of schools, in coordination with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

regulate, monitor, conditions

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To()() cases arising from () of their respective laws, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and their Codes of Ethics and, for this purpose, may issue summons, subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to alleged violators and/or witnesses to compel their attendance in such investigations or hearings: Provided, That, the decision of the Professional Regulatory Board shall, unless appealed to the Commission, become final and executory after fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice of judgment or decision

hear and investigate, violations

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d) To () the hearing or investigation of administrative cases filed before them except in cases where the issue or question involved strictly concerns the practice of the profession or occupation, in which case, the hearing shall be presided over by at least () member of the Board concerned assisted by a Legal or Hearing Officer of the Commission;

delegate, one (1)

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(e) To conduct, through the Legal Officers of the Commission, summary proceedings on()of their respective regulatory laws, violations of the rules and regulations issued by the boards to implement their respective laws, including violations of the general instructions to examinees committed by examinees, and render summary judgment thereon which shall, unless appealed to the Commission, become final and executory after () days from receipt of notice of judgment or decision.

(f) Subject to final approval by the Commission, to recommend registration without() and the issuance of corresponding certificate of registration and professional identification card;

minor violations , fifteen (15), , examination

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After due process, to ()()()certificate of registration or licenses for causes provided by law;

suspend, revoke or reissue, reinstate

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To prepare, adopt and issue the syllabi or tables of specifications of the () in consultation with the academe; determine and prepare the questions for the licensure examinations which shall strictly be within the scope of the syllabus or table of specifications of the subject for examination; score and rate the examination papers with the name and signature of the Board member concerned appearing thereon and submit the results in all subjects duly signed by the members of the Board to the Commission within() days from the last day of examination unless extended by the Commission for justifiable cause/s; and subject to the approval by the Commission, determine the appropriate passing general average rating in an examination if notprovided for in the law regulating the profession

subjects for examinations , ten (10)

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To prepare an annual() of accomplishments on programs, projects and activities of the Board during the year for submission to the Commission after the close of each calendar year and make appropriate recommendations on issues or problems affecting the profession to the Commission.


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The members of the Professional Regulatory Boards shall receive compensation equivalent to, at least, () than the salary grade of the Commissioners

two salary grades lower

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Provided, That the Chairperson of the Regulatory Board shall receive a monthly compensation of () higher than the members of the Board

two steps

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Provided, further, That they shall be entitled to other allowances and benefits provided under existing ().


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All subjects for licensure examinations shall be taught by persons who are holders of valid () and valid () of the profession and who comply with the other requirements of the CHED.

certificates of registration, professional licenses

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Any law enforcement agency shall, upon call or request of the Commission or of any Professional Regulatory Board, render () in enforcing the regulatory law of the profession including the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by prosecuting the violators thereof in accordance with law and the rules of court.


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The amount necessary to carry out the initial implementation of this Act shall be charged against the() year’ s appropriations of the Professional Regulation Commission. Thereafter, such sums as may be necessary for the continued implementation of this Act shall be included in the succeeding()

current, General Appropriations Act

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In addition to the annual appropriations of the Commission provided under the Annual General Appropriations Act, the Commission is hereby authorized to use its income not exceeding the amount of ()a year for a period of () years after the effectivity of this Act to implement the program for full computerization of the operations of the Commission, subject to the usual accounting and auditing requirements.

Forty-five million pesos (P45,000,000.00) , five (5)

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