involve collection of original data, ranging from more scientifically rigorousapproaches for determining the causal effect of health technologies
Primary Data methods
involve collection of original data, ranging from more scientifically rigorousapproaches for determining the causal effect of health technologies, such as (), to less rigorous ones, such as ()
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), case series
categorized based on multiple attributes or dimensions
– Comparative vs. non-comparative
– Separate (i.e., external) control group vs. no separate (i.e., internal) control group
– Participants (study populations/groups) defined by a health outcome vs. by having been exposed to, or received or been assigned, an intervention – Prospective vs. retrospective
– Interventional vs. observational
– Experimental vs. non-experimental
– Random assignment vs. non-random assignment of patients to treatment and control groups
Randomized controlled trial
Experimental studies
Randomized cross-over trial
Experimental studies
Prospective cohort
Non-experimental studies
Retrospective cohort
Non-experimental studies
N-of-1 trial
Experimental studies
Group randomized trial
Experimental studies
Non-experimental studies
Non-experimental studies
Interrupted time series with comparison
Non-experimental studies
Non-randomized controlled trial
Experimental studies
Non-experimental studies
Time series
Non-experimental studies
Pragmatic trials
Experimental studies
Case series
Non-experimental studies
Case study
Non-experimental studies
Whether they are experimental or non-experimental in design, studies vary in their ability to produce() findings.
refers to how well a study or data collection instrument measures what it is intended to measure.