13. The following statements regarding the hemopoietic stem cells are true:
(1) are pluripotential colony-forming units (2) in adults are located and function in the red
bone marrow (3) presumably look similar to small lymphocytes (4) are morphologically
indistinguishable from oligopotential and unipotential stem cells
14. The following statements regarding the reticulocytes are true:
(1) their cytoplasm contains some ribosomes that look like a reticular network (2)
constitute about 1% of red blood cells in circulation (3) increase in number in cases of
bleeding and hemolysis (4) possess small heterochromatic nuclei
15. The stages of the monocyte development are as follows:
(1) monoblasts (2) promonocytes (3) monocytes (4) tissue macrophages
16. The stages of the platelet development are as follows:
(1) CFU-Mg (2) promegakaryocytes (3) megakaryocyte (4) megakaryoblasts
17. The stages of lymphopoiesis in the central organs are as follows:
(1) CFU-Ly (2) lymphoblasts (3) prolymphocytes (4) immunocompetent lymphocytes
18. Antigen-independent proliferation and differentiation of T lymphocytes proceed
in the following organs:
(1) liver (2) red bone marrow (3) spleen (4) thymus
19. Antigen-independent proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes take
place in the following organs:
(1) spleen (2) appendix (3) liver (4) red bone marrow
20. The following statements regarding the red bone marrow are true:
(1) is the central organ of hemopoiesis (2) contains blood sinuses (3) contains few adipose
cells (4) its stroma consists of epithelial tissue
21. The following statements regarding the red marrow stroma are true:
(1) consists of reticular cells and reticular fibres (2) contains hemopoietic cells (3) provides
support to hemopoietic cells (4) produces substances controlling differentiation of
hemopoietic cells
22. The following statements regarding the yellow bone marrow are true:
(1) mostly consists of adipose cells (2) does not retain hemopoietic potentials (3) replaces
red bone marrow (4) is not capable of transformation to the red marrow after severe
23. The following statements regarding the thymus are true:
(1) its blood-thymus barrier is impermeable to macromolecules (2) contains numerous
macrophages for phagocytosis of degenerating lymphocytes (3) their T lymphocytes
grammed against “self” antigens are destroyed (4) provides antigen-dependent
differentiation of T lymphocytes
24. The blood-thymus barrier is made up of the following components:
(1) capillary endothelium on the basal lamina (2) perivascular connective tissue spaces
with numerous macrophages (3) epithelioreticular cells on their basal membrane (4)
adipose cells
: each of the following statements contains five suggested completions. Choose
the one that is best in each case.
1. Each of the following statements concerning the lymph node cortex is true,
– contains lymphatic nodules, each of which is a B-dependent zone; B – its deep part,
paracortex, is a T-dependent zone; C
– lacks lymphatic sinuses; D – its lymphatic nodules