84. Organization of endocrine system. Morphological and functional characteristics of endocrine
glands. Classification. Notion of hormones, target-cells and receptors to hormones. Pineal gland:
origin, structure, function.
85. Hypothalamus. Types of neurosecretory nuclei, features of structure and
function of neurosecretory cells.
86. Hypothalamo-adenohypophyseal and hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal systems. Forms and
functional significance of hypothalamo-hypophyseal communication; portal system, axovasae
synapses. Neurohemal organs.
87. Pituitary gland. Origin, structure and function. Tissue and cell composition
of the parts of hypophysis. Structural and functional features of endocrine cells; regulation of
their function.
88. Thyroid gland. Origin, structure, function. Cell composition. The features of
hormone formation by follicular cells, regulation of secretion. Structure and function of
parafollicular cells.
89. Suprarenal glands. Origin, structure and function. Features of structure of
cortex and medulla, characteristics of parenchimal cells. Synthesis and . release of hormones,
regulation secretion; suprarenal glands and stress reaction.
90. Parathyroid gland. Origin, cell composition, function. Diffuse endocrine system(DES).
Origin, location and structure of APUD cells. Paracrine and endocrine effects of DES.
91. Alimentary tract. Common plan of structure. Sources of development. Oral
cavity - morphological and functional characteristics of mucosa. Structure and function of
tonque. Teeth, structure and development.
92. Major salivary glands. Structure and function of different salivary glands.
93. Alimentary tract. Common plan of structure. Sources of development. Esophagus, structure
and function. Glands of esophagus.
94. Alimentary tract. Common plan of structure. Innervation and blood supply.
Characterization of endocrine complex and lymphoid apparatus. Palatine tonsils, structure and
95. Stomach. Morphological and functional characterization. Structural features
of different regions. Histophysiology of the glands. Innervation and blood supply.
96. Small intestine. Morphological and functional characteristics^ Spuces of development.
Innervation and vascularization. The peculiarities of structure in different regions. Cell
composition and function of epithelium of both intestinal villi and crypts. Histophysiology of
digestion and absorption.
97. Large intestine. Common plan of structure, function. Characterization of
epithelium, exocrine and endocrine secretion. Appendix.
98. Pancreas, structure and origin. Histophysiology of exocrine and endocrine
parts. Notion of gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system.
99. Liver. Morphological and functional characteristics, origin. The features of blood supply.
The architecture of classic hepatic lobule. Structural and functional characterization of
hepatocytes, fat storing cells as well as wall of sinusoids. System of bile ducts, gallbladder.
100. Bone marrow. Development, structure. Characterization of postembryonic hemopoiesis in
bone marrow. Interaction between stromal and hemopoietic cells.
101.Hemopoietic organs.. Classification. Thymus: origin, structure, function. Interaction
between epitheliocytes and lymphocytes. Endocrine function of thymus. Age and accidental
involution of thymus.
102. Spleen: structure and function. The features of blood supply. Embryonic and postembryonic
hemopoiesis in spleen. T- and B-zones.