Study Set Content:
121- Flashcard

is a branch

of moral

philosophy that

guides people

about the basic

human conduct


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122- Flashcard

Set of rules and



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123- Flashcard



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124- Flashcard

is created with an

intent to maintain

social order and

peace in the society

and provide

protection to all the



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125- Flashcard

Set of guidelines


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126- Flashcard

Individual, legal

and professional



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127- Flashcard

are made

to help people

to decide what is

right or wrong

and how to act


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128- Flashcard

The community pharmacist requested by the

patient at the counter to critique another health

care provider’s recommendations or to provide

information on a topic about which the pharmacist

has ()

moral conflict

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129- Flashcard

The hospital practitioner asked to provide

information that might be used to speed the

() of a terminal patient’s life


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130- Flashcard

The pro-life community pharmacist asked to



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131- Flashcard

The drug information specialist confronted by a

physician for a certain formulary recommendation

that is possibly more cost containment

evidence based

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132- Flashcard

The pharmacist working in industry, who is asked to

prepare two versions of a consumer product

promotion piece: one meets regulatory

requirements to describe key safety issues in certain

countries; the other version for use in a country

without such legal requirements omits all

safety information

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133- Flashcard

A pharmacist places the () of the patient

at the center of professional practice


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134- Flashcard

pharmacist promotes the welfare of each

individual in a () manner

caring and compassionate

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135- Flashcard

A pharmacist serves the needs of the () and provides

health for individual,

community and society,

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136- Flashcard

A pharmacist respects the () of the patients

and upholds () of patients’ records

rights, confidentiality

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137- Flashcard

A pharmacist acts with () in relationship with the patients and

other health care professionals

honesty, integrity and


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138- Flashcard

A pharmacist is committed to continuously


professional competence

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139- Flashcard

A pharmacist in coordination with the ()

and other health professionals helps in the

formulation and implementation of health care

policies, standards and programs designed for the

() of the society

government, benefit

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140- Flashcard

is that which would be considered acceptable and responsible

Reasonable care

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