There are sometimes different (blank) to find a variable single character, “wom#n” will find woman and also women
Boolean searching is based on connecting keywords with three basic operators:
AND, OR and NOT.
s used to find articles that mention either of the topics you search for.
is used to find articles that mention both of the searched topics
excludes a search term or concept. It should be used with caution as you may inadvertently exclude relevant references
Databases often show Boolean operators as buttons or drop-down menus that you can click to combine your search terms or results.
Databases often show Boolean operators as buttons or drop-down menus that you can click to combine your search terms or results.
The database will only retrieve resources that contain both words. This will (blank) your search and (blank) search results.
The database will retrieve resources that contain at least one of these words. This will (blank) your search and (blank) search results.
Type (blank) before a keyword to exclude that word from your search. Use (blank) when you are searching for a keyword that may have multiple meanings
Combining Boolean Operators Use (blank) to keep combination searches in order.
Words have to appear next to each other. Also retrieves hyphenated words.
Words have to appear within 3 words of each other. Other numbers can be used as required
Truncation symbol, for example ‘complication$’ retrieves 'complications' as well as 'complication'.
Restricts the search to title and abstract fields, to avoid retrieving unexpected results from the subject headings.
Explode the subject heading, to retrieve more specific terms
MeSH heading.
Optional wild card character used within, or at the end of, a search term to substitute for one or no characters. Useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants