(A) Glycogen synthetase
(B) Phosphorylase
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
24. Pyridoxine deficiency can be diagnosed by measuring urinary excretion of
(A) Pyruvic acid
(B) Oxaloacetic acid (C) Xanthurenic acid (D) None of these
25. When eggs are cooked
(A) Biotin is destroyed but avidin remains unaffected
(B) Avidin is inactivated but biotin remains unaffected
(C) Both avidin and biotin are inactivated
(D) Both avidin and biotin remain unaffected
26. Chemically, lipoic acid is
(A) Saturated fatty acid
(B) Unsaturated fatty acid
(C) Amino acid
(D) Sulphur containing fatty acid
27. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can be diagonised by
(A) Carr-Price reaction
(B) Ames assay
(C) Watson-Schwartz test
(D) Schilling test
28. Anti-oxidant activity is present in
(B) Retinol
(C) Retinoic acid
(D) All of these
29. Nyctalopia is
(A) Drying of eyes
(B) Destruction of cornea
(C) Blindness
(D) Inability to see in dimlight
30. Ascorbic acid can reduce