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61- Flashcard

Dormant, tough, non-reproductive structure produced by small number of bacteria.

Bacterial Endospores

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62- Flashcard

Resistant to radiation, desiccation, lysozyme, temperature, starvation, and chemical disinfectants.

Bacterial Endospores

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Endospores are commonly found in (blank), where they may survive for very long periods of time.

soil and water

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bacterial edospores

Ex. Bacterial Genus:


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Bacterial Genus: Clostridium


Obligate anaerobes


endospore producer

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The members of this genus have a couple of bacterial “superpowers” that make them particularly tough pathogens.


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They produce endospores also produce toxins


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Also produce a variety of toxins, some of which are fatal.


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agent of tetanus

Clostridium tetani

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agent of botulism

C. botulinum

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·       one of the agents of gas gangrene

C. perfringens

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·       part of natural intestinal flora, but resistant strains can proliferate and cause pseudomembranous colitis.

C. difficile

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Some prokaryotes have distinct appendages that allow them to move about or adhere to solid surfaces.

Surface Appendages

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Consist of delicate stands of proteins.

Surface Appendages

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·       Long, thin extensions that allow some bacteria to move about freely in aqueous environments. (Singular: flagellum)


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·       Most Gram-negative bacteria have these short, fine appendages surrounding the cell. Gram+ bacteria don’t have. Help bacteria stick to solid surfaces. Major factor in virulence. (Singular: fimbria)


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Genetic material contained in a nuclear membrane; membrane bound organelles.

Eukaryotic Cells

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include animal, plant, fungi, algae cells as well as other microscopic eukaryotes

Eukaryotic Cells

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