s used around the world as a soil conditioner and as a fuel
Peat, like the undecomposed peat Mosses,
In the manufacture of (blank) s dried on a screen over a peat fire
Scotch whiskey, sprouted barley
simply means plant or herb
The name liverwort came from
believed to be used to treat liver disease
known species of liverworts.
The most common and widespread liverworts have flattened lobe, somewhat leaflike bodies called
thalli (singular: thallus)
constitute only about 20% of the species
thalloid liverworts
have smooth upper surfaces as well as various markings and pores, and the corners of cell walls of most liverworts are specially thickened. The lower surfaces have many one-celled rhizoids. Growth is prostrate instead of upright, and the rhizoids, which look like tiny roots anchor the plants
Thalloid liverworts
are often abundant in tropical forests and in fog belts. They always have two rows of partially overlapping “leaves” whose cells contain distinctive oil bodies. The leaves have no midribs, and unlike the “leaves” of mosses, they often have folds and lobes
“Leafy” Liverworts
A third row of (blank) is often present on the underside of “leafy” liverworts
of the “leafy” liverworts are produced in cuplike structures composed of a few modified “leaves”, either in the axils of “leaves” or on separate branches
archegonia and antheridia
reproduces asexually by means of gemma
are tiny, lens-shaped pieces of tissue that become detached from the thallus. They are reproduced in small gemmae cups scattered over the upper surface of the liverwort gametophyte.
inhibits the further development of gemmae
lunularic acid
Produced on separate male and female gametophyte more specialized than those of other liverworts
Gametangia of liverworts
male gametophyte, disclike with a scalloped margin
male gametangia, produced in rows just beneath the upper surface of the antheridiophore
female gametophyte, like the hub and spokes of a wagon wheel
contains a single egg
main part of the sporophyte in which different types of tissues develop