Study Set Content:
201- Flashcard

During the Irish famine a red seaweed, became an important substitute for the potato crop that had been destroyed by blight


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202- Flashcard

In Maine and eastern Canada, where it is a popular snack food, dulse is referred to as

"Nova Scotia Popcorn”

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203- Flashcard

Japan Another red seaweed occurs in American and Asian waters and is used extensively for food, particularly in the Orient.

purple laver (nori)

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204- Flashcard

another important edible red alga. It is also used in bulking laxatives, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical preparations.

Irish moss

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205- Flashcard

is a dessert made from Irish moss and milk.


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206- Flashcard

mucilaginous substance extracted from Irish moss and used as a thickening agent in chocolate milk and other dairy products.


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207- Flashcard

obtained from yet another red alga, is used as a laundry starch, as an adhesive in hair dressings, and in some water-based paints.


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208- Flashcard

One of the most important of all algal substances


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209- Flashcard

Agar produced most abundantly by the red alga


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210- Flashcard

Agar which has the consistency of g


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211- Flashcard

are cultured commercially on such media and induced to grow into full-sized plants (“Micropropagation”). Its use in making the capsules containing drugs and vitamins is now worldwide

Orchid tissues

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212- Flashcard

contain a number of substances of potential medicinal value

 red algae and other seaweeds

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213- Flashcard

number of seaweeds have been used in preparations designed for the expulsion of digestive tract worms, control of diarrhea, and the treatment of cancer.


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214- Flashcard

Chemical relatives of (blank) are produced by certain red algae.


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215- Flashcard



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216- Flashcard

In what place there was an exhibit of hair growing on wood.

Ripley's "Believe It or Not" pavilion at the Chicago World's Fair

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217- Flashcard

are totally WITHOUT CHOLORPHYLL and are incapable of producing their own food.


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218- Flashcard

PHYLUM MYXOMYCOTA is like during much of their life cycle

animal like

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219- Flashcard

PHYLUM MYXOMYCOTA like when they reproduce.


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220- Flashcard

number of species of slime molds average only 10 to 12 micrometers in diameter and are individually invisible to the naked eye.


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