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21- Flashcard

Most abundant; 80% of the serum antibody found after bacterial and viral infections


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Predominant Ig in secretions; defense mechanism


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First immunoglobulin to appear; efficient in agglutinating erythrocytes or bacteria; ABO antibodies are of this type


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Reagins; constitute 0.004% of the total serum Ig; binds to mast cells releasing histamine


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Main function not determined; found on the surface of B lymphocytes; maybe involved in cell differentiation; role is an antigen receptor


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Major Ig expressed on the surface of B cells

IgG, IgM

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Found in low concentrations in the blood serum

IgA, IgD , IgE

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Natural (Innate) immunity

Acquired immunity

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endowed at birth and retained because of an individuals constitution

Natural (Innate) immunity

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developed in response to the introduction of antigenic substances into the body

Active immunity

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recovery from infection

Naturally acquired active

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administration of a vaccine or toxoid; stimulating the body to make their own antibodies therefore producing immunity

Artificially acquired active

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eveloped by the introduction of preformed antibodies (not antigens) into the body; immunity is not selfdeveloped but is passed from one individual to another

Passive immunity

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transmission of antibodies from mother to child

Naturally acquired passive:

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injection of immunizing biologics containing preformed antibodies

Artificially acquired passive

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Origin of serum antibodies

B Cell

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Originate in the BM but depend on the thymus gland for differentiation

T Cell

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Arise from the bone marrow of humans

B Cell

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Humoral system of immunity

B Cell

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Agents of cellular immunity

T Cell

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