Study Set Content:
121- Flashcard

Step 4

 Dissociation of agonist from internalized receptors reduces β-

Arr binding affinity, allowing (blank) of receptors


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122- Flashcard

Dissociation of agonist from internalized receptors reduces β-

Arr binding affinity, allowing dephosphorylation of receptors by a

phosphatase (P’ase).

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123- Flashcard

Return of Receptors to the plasma membrane together,

these events result in the efficient (blank) of cellular



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Repeated or prolonged exposure of cells to agonists favors the

delivery of internalized receptors to


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Step 6

 Promoting receptor (blank)rather than



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126- Flashcard

mediates such hormonal response as the mobilization of

stored energy

Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP)

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cAMP mediates such hormonal response as the mobilization of

stored energy (the breakdown of(blank) in liver or

(blank) in fat cells stimulated by (blank)

carbohydrates, triglycerides, β-adrenomimetic


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128- Flashcard

mediates such hormonal response as the mobilization of

stored energy (the breakdown of carbohydrates in liver or

triglycerides in fat cells stimulated by β-adrenomimetic

catecholamines), conservation of water by the kidney

(mediated by vasopressin), Ca 2+ homeostasis (regulated by

parathyroid hormone), and increased rate and contractile force

of heart muscle (β-adrenomimetic catecholamines).


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conservation of water by the kidney

(mediated by


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Ca 2+ homeostasis (regulated by

parathyroid hormone

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hormone), and increased rate and contractile force

of heart muscle

(β-adrenomimetic catecholamines).

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is promoted by cAMP


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Intracellular levels of cAMP can be increased by


adrenoceptor agonist,

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Intracellular levels of cAMP can be increased by β-

adrenoceptor agonist, which increase the rate of its

synthesis by

adenylyl cyclase (AC) or by

phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors

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135- Flashcard

cAMP inhibits (blank) that is

responsible for phosphorylating smooth muscle myosin

myosin light chain kinase

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Therefore, increased in intracellular cAMP

which is caused by(blank) since it inhibits

myosin light chain kinase producing less contractile


β-2 agonist

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Less contractile force =


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Overall function of cAMP is

intracellular signal induction

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Overall function of cAMP is intracellular signal induction

 ex.

Aminophylline, Theophylline

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140- Flashcard

Phosphoinositides and Calcium

Involves hormonal stimulation of

phosphoinositide hydrolysis

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