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301- Flashcard

Drug companies like (), provide extra services to drugstores in terms of seminars for pharmacists and salesclerks in the area of inventory management and control, product symposium, retailing, personnel management, and other in-training courses for pharmacy aides. () provides Continuing Education (CPE) Seminars for all PPhA chapters nationwide, for all practicing pharmacists, Faculty members in colleges and universities

United Laboratories, Inc., UNILAB

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The drugstores are manned by()pharmacists, both in wholesale and retail operations. The drugstore business is regulated and controlled by the (), which periodically sends BFAD inspectors to strictly monitor compliance to established rules and regulations such as license to operate, hiring of licensed pharmacists, sale of regulated and prescription drug products, Generics Dispensing Guidelines, and other DOH/BFAD circulars and administrative orders.

licensed , Bureau if Food and Drugs (BFAD)

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The drugstore in the Philippines are strategically located in the urban and rural areas, some inside large commercial malls, groceries, and supermarkets.() also exists in some trading and sari-sari stores under the supervisions or close coordination of pharmacists. These small drug outlets make available OTC drugs of the home remedies type of common ailments.

“Botica sa Barrio”

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Recently, the (), composed of thousands of cooperative stores, created the () for the benefit of their members. The Coop Drug outlets are part and parcel of the general merchandise of sari-sari stores to extend health care products to far-flung areas of the country. They purchase their medicines either directly from drug manufacturers or through wholesalers and nearby retailers.

Cooperative Union of the Philippines, Cooperative Drug

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Drug companies normally classify drugstores according to annual semestral sales volume, monthly average collection, and financial capability. Newly-opened drugstores are required to buy strictly on () or () and are requested to accomplish the () for purpose of determining financial resources and future grants of credit terms and other amenities.

COD, cash basis, Customer Information Sheet (CIS

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Many drugstore owners are themselves the pharmacists, and their children oftentimes follow their footsteps either as pharmacists or in actually managing the business. A number of drugstores are presently manned by the () (sons and daughters, or in-laws) with practically different lifestyles and manner of operations. Their needs and wants vary from their “elderly” counterparts and in many respects, they are highly aggressive, innovative, strong-willed, highly persevering, and with a high threshold for stress.

“second generation”

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Nowadays, the drugstores’ layout, namely the store fronts and interiors, are attuned to ()designs and architecture intended to arrest the attention of passersby, to increase customer traffic, and to enhance store patronage.

modern day

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308- Flashcard

The hospitals in the Philippines are classified into three categories, namely

primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals.

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 Hospitals are differentiated by such categories in terms of the minimum ()for service capabilities and minimum hospital requirements for personnel.


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These are approximately () private and government hospitals nationwide, which carry in their establishments drugs and medicines, galenicals, chemical reagents, fluids, medical and dental supplies, made available, and to be dispensed to in-patient, sometimes for out-patients and the general public.


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A majority, if not all of the hospitals prepare a ()y, an official listing of medicines and supplies to be carried by the hospital pharmacy. The hospital’s therapeutic committee, composed of the medical director, a chairman, and members (department heads) decides on the formulary to be adopted and serves as the basis for purchase orders and reorders. The chief pharmacist normally serves as the () for the therapeutics committee.

formular, secretary

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The hospital’s ()), are manned by medical consultants or specialists, and is assisted by a staff of resident physicians, medical interns, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals. The() cater to the needs and wants of patients confined in the hospital for whatever ailments, surgery, or other health care services.

In-patient Department (IPDs, IPDs

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he prescriptions generated from the hospital IPDs, are being served by the () department, and very seldom, if not rarely, are being served by drugstores outside the hospital. The pharmacy department is headed by a chief pharmacist, with

hospital’s pharmacy

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in many hospitals carry in his/her shoulder, vast responsibilities: that of managing a profit center, engaging in liaison activities with the hospital consultants, BFAD, and other health agencies

chief pharmacist

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The prescriptions generated from the hospital Out-patient Departments (OPDs) are being served by drugstores () to the hospital, or nearby drugstores. Very seldom, if not rarely, are prescriptions being served by the hospital pharmacy. The hospital OPDs are being manned by resident physicians under the direct supervision of specialists or consultants.

fronting or adjacent

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The hospital’s () operate on a 24 hour basis and are being manned by resident physicians under the direct supervision of specialists and consultants on an on call basis. The prescriptions generated from the hospital’s ERs are being served by the hospital pharmacy and nearby drugstores.

Emergency Rooms (ERs)

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The hospital physicians and dentists are mandated by law to prescribe in (), as a compliance requirement of the Generic Drugs Act of 1988 or Republic Act 6675, or popularly known as the Generics Law.


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The hospital consultants are classified according to their respective field of () namely: General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, etc., and are assisted by a staff of resident physicians, medical interns, nurses, and allied health professionals.


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The requirements for medicines, supplies and other essentials in government hospitals are normally done through ()or negotiated contracts, and oftentimes follow a formulary or therapeutic listing of essential drugs and supplies.


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In the hospital Out-Patient Department (OPD), the ()normally is mainly responsible in generating prescriptions. In the Philippines, hospitals such as the medical centers, general hospitals, and provincial hospitals, that maintain teaching or training facilities, allow post-graduate interns or externs to write a (). Actual situations in the hospital OPD, reveal that the bulk of prescriptions generated are coming from resident physicians and not by medical specialists or consultants, as claimed. The attention of the medical specialist is called for, only in extreme emergencies at the OPD.

resident physician , prescription

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