(ii) If the effervescent salt is prescribed in divided doses, the ingredients which cause
effervescence on mixing with water are enclosed separately in papers of different colour. The patient is
advised to take one powder of each color and add to water, before use. Quantities of the sodium
bicarbonate and the organic acid, citric or tartaric, are equimolecular in proportion.
(iii) In the third case the product contains all the ingredients mixed together in a granular form.
Preparation of granular products requires pharmaceutical technique. If sodium bicarbonate and citric
acid are taken in equimolecular proportion and mixed to make granules, the quantity of water of
crystallization liberated from the citric acid is large enough to make the mass wet and carbon dioxide
may be liberated during the preparation itself. If one tries to substitute citric acid by tartaric acid, which
contains no water of crystallization; it may not be possible to form a mass necessary for granulation.
Therefore both citric and tartaric acids are taken in suitable proportions leaving a little acid in
surplus than the quantity required to neutralize sodium bicarbonate. This surplus is necessary to give
the final preparation an acidic taste that is more palatable. There is a certain loss in weight of such a
preparation due to the loss of water in drying the granules and partial loss of carbon dioxide due to its
release during preparation.
Heating is done on a water bath keeping all the ingredients thoroughly mixed in a porcelain dish.
Gentle application of heat liberates the water of crystallization from citric acid and the mass tends to be
Prolonged heating may result in complete evaporation of the released water leaving the product
in the form of a dry lump which cannot be rendered into granules. The coherent mass is transferred
from the porcelain dish to an inverted sieve of suitable aperture size kept over a glazed paper.
The mass is pressed through the sieve taking care to change the position of the sieve over the
paper to prevent the formation of a lump of the sieved granules. The granules are dried in an oven
taking care to regulate the temperature which should be generally kept below 80°C.
The operation requires considerable skill and experience to obtain granules of uniform size and
an elegant product. If necessary, the dry granules are passed through a sieve of appropriate size to
break larger granules which result due to sticking of the sieved wet granules.
The water of crystallization of the citric acid and the water from the reactions make the material
coherent. Loss of weight occurs during granulation due to (a) evaporation from the damp mixture, and
(b) loss of carbon dioxide. The losses constitute approximately one-seventh of the weight of powder
used and must be allowed for when calculating the amount to be prepared.
Chemical reaction:
3 NaHC03 + C6H807.H20 = C6H5Na307 + 3 C02 + 3 H20 (Sodium bicarbonate) (Citric acid)
2 NaHC03 + C4H606 - C4H4Na206 + 2 C02 + 2 H20 (Sodium bicarbonate) (Tartaric acid)
5. Eutectic mixtures
They are defined as mixture of low melting point ingredients which on mixing together turn to
liquid form due to depression in melting point of the mixture below room temperature. They are
mixtures of substances that liquefy when mixed rubbed or triturated together. The melting points of
many eutectic mixtures are below room temperature. Examples of the substances which tend to liquefy
on mixing are camphor, thymol, menthol, salol. Any two of these drugs turn to liquid when mixed. This
problem during formulation of powders of such material can be solved by using inert adsorbent such as