Regarding the testis
lymphatic drainage is to the lumbar and inguinal LN
epididymis is located posteromedial to testis
vas deferens is in direct contact with the pelvic peritoneum
vas deferens is medial to the epididymis
appendix of testis is superior/inferior ? to testis
Spinal cord transection
C1 – C3 results in quadriplegia and loss of respiration (This is the right answer)
C3 – C5 (or somewhere in lower cervical spine) results in paraplegia
T10 – L1 results in loss of thigh function
L2 – L3 (around there) results in loss of leg function
something else with loss of respiration
Coronary arteries
L) CA supplies most of conduction system (that was the answer I put)
R) or L) comes from posterior aortic sinus
another R ? or L comes from posterior sinus??
Regarding Parkinson’s
the severity of the motor deficit correlates with the degree of dopamine deficiency
60% get dementia
there are no familial inheritance predispositions, such as autosomal recessive or dominant
Dopamine antagonists do not cause Parkinsononism
After a tonsillectomy there may be loss of sensation from posterior tongue, resulting form injury to what nerve?
What doesn’t go through the jugular foramen?
hypoglossal nerve
CN 9
CN 10
CN 11
Posterior interosseous nerve supplies
Which one structure runs with the deep fibular nerve?
post tibial artery
superficial fibular artery
ant tibial artery
ant interosseous artery
fibular artery
Regarding the AC joint
costoclavicular ligament is not important in stability
is a synovial joint (I put this one down)
attaches to the 2
costal cartilage
stabilizes the clavicle with upper limb mvts
The typical thoracic rib
has 2 articular facets in the head
articulates with vertebra below