Injury to the common peroneal nerve at the neck of the fibula causes everything except
loss of sensation over the foot with sparing of the 1
flaccid paralysis of dorsiflexion
unopposed inversion
high stepping gait
flaccid paralysis of eversion
Internal mammary (thoracic) artery
supplies 2 anterior intercostal branches at each intercostal space
runs medial to the edge of sternum
Radial artery
runs deep (between?) to the heads of supinator
runs deep to the insertion of pronator teres tendon
runs deep to the tendons of APL and EPB
runs deep to the insertion of FPL
is the larger terminal part of the brachial artery
Regarding the anatomical snuffbox, which is incorrect
Cephalic vein runs in it
you can feel the scaphoid and trapezium between the base 1
metacarpal and the radial styloid process
you can palpate the terminal branches of the radial nerve over the tendons of EPL? (one of the tendons)
the boundaries are formed by EPB on one side and EPL and APL on the other side
Regarding Flexor digitorium profundus
It is supplied wholly by the median nerve
It is a powerful forearm flexor/muscle? (I put this one)
It arises from the olecranon and the anterior surface of the radius
The interossei come off its tendons
It has its own separate sheath
Occipitofrontalis muscle (something about it)
Occipital scalp sensation of nerves and blood supply
Regarding the appendix
It is retrocaecal in the absence of disease
Its position at McBurneys Point is constant when inflamed
Has no mesentery
lymphatic drainage is to inguinal LN
Which of the following does NOT contribute to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot
three medial cuneiforms
base of three medial metatarsals