Study Set Content:
1- Flashcard

Refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex


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2- Flashcard

It is a close union of man and woman accompanied by rites and, festivities and wedding


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3- Flashcard

The legal act which dissolves the marriage contract and grants to the married couple the right to remarry


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4- Flashcard

 Nullity of marriage which is the action of the court in terminating a valid marriage


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5- Flashcard

Refers to contract between husband and wife in which they agree to live apart

Legal Separation

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6- Flashcard

A psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness


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7- Flashcard

. A feeling that is expressed as kind, passionate, tender, devoted and warm hearted


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8- Flashcard

 Ordained by God for the procreation of the human race


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9- Flashcard

A man shall live his father and mother and join his wife and they become one


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10- Flashcard

 God said, “It is not good for a man to be __,” so he made a woman


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11- Flashcard

 It is a Greek term which means “same”


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12- Flashcard

When does human life began?

At birth

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13- Flashcard

. It is the most common type of child abuse


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14- Flashcard

In the beginning, God created Adam and Steve.


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15- Flashcard

. Addiction can begin when a person uses drugs, but addiction is more than just using a lot of drugs.


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16- Flashcard

. Addiction most often get worse over time


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17- Flashcard

Addiction can be managed with treatment.


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18- Flashcard

Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession


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19- Flashcard

Prostitution is the only sexual offense for which more women than men are prosecuted


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20- Flashcard

A lost of friends and moving to different places causes stress.


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