“He called them his friends rather than his servants for he had taught them everything he had learned from his Father”
John 15:15
which means the ambassadors, or messengers of Christ
12 apostles of Christ
Jesus taught them to reach out people from
Jerusalem, all from Judea and Samaria, and ends of the earth
they were normal men but
Judas is from
the man of Keriot, from Judea
The disciple were sent out for mission as soon as they were
equipped and empowered with the promise of God will never leave them alone
All were from Galilee except
Jesus spent time with his disciples and
taught , lead, prayed them
“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”
Mark 1:17
Six of the disciples were
Fisherman on the Sea of Galilee
Greek mathetes, from manthano, ‘to learn’
Latin discipulus, ‘pupil,’ ‘learner
the pupil of a teacher
Jesus was popularly known as a
teacher or rabbi
The term disciple may also be applied to a
believer, convert to Christianity
His associates were known as
In verb form, the term ‘disciple’
denotes the making of converts
Simon is the son of
Bible history and traditional legends: Evangelistic and missionary work among the
Jews, going as far as Babylon
Simon wrote
1 and 2 Peter