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2.6 Moveable C-Clef; Other Clefs

L E A R N I N G   O B J E C T I V E S

1. Understanding Moveable C-Clef.
2. Understanding Alto Clef and Tenor Clef.
3. Other Clefs.

In discussing the evolution and formation of the staff, we saw that the eleven-line
Guidonian staff separated into two five-line staves. The remaining line was not
discarded as such, but rather served as a connective or “shared” line between the
two staves.

This invisible middle line locates the pitch C4 (“Middle C”). On the grand staff this
appears as a note one ledger line below the staff in Treble Clef, or a note one ledger
line above the staff in Bass Clef.

Figure 2.26

C4 (“Middle C”) on the Grand Staff

Moveable C-Clef

From the Guidonian staff a separate clef evolved denoting this particular pitch. This
clef is called ‘C-Clef,” or properly, “

Moveable C-clef



13. A clef derived from the eleven-

line staff. This clef locates C4
regardless of what line of the
staff it is placed upon.

Chapter 2 The Elements of Pitch:Sound, Symbol, and Tone



Understanding the Music Theory

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