Audio 2
The Major Scale
This arrangement of whole steps and half steps is maintained for any major scale on
any given starting pitch. Accidentals are used to modify pitches in order to retain
this same arrangement of whole and half steps. Compare the samples below to the
keyboard diagram. Observe the placement of whole and half steps on the keyboard
that maintain the proper ordering.
Figure 3.3
Other Examples of Major Scales
Audio 3
Other Major Scales
Observe that in each new octave species, some chromatic alteration is required in
order to retain the same arrangement of scale steps.
An alternate view of major scale construction is an examination of its constituent
tetrachords (from the Greek: “four tones”). Observe that the arrangement of whole
and half steps in the first tetrachord are identical to that of the second tetrachord.
Both tetrachords are W-W-H separated by a whole step.
So, two mnemonics are suitable for remembering Major scale construction:
1. W-W-H-W-W-W-H
2. Identical tetrachords (W-W-H) separated by a whole step.
Chapter 3 The Foundations Scale-Steps and Scales
3.2 Heptatonic Scales: The Major Scale, The Three Forms of the Minor Scale