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Durational Values and Proportional Chain

Below are examples of basic durational values and their common names. Proper
names for these values are in parentheses. These names are commonly used in the
United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, as well as by some academics.

Figure 1.2

Durational Values and Nomenclature

There are rare examples of “One-hundred and twenty-eighth-notes.” A notable
example is found in the First Movement Introduction to Beethoven’s “Pathetique”
Sonata No. 8, Opus 13.

“Pathetique” Sonata

These occur at the end of the Introduction. See this link:,_Op.13_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van)

Durational values are held in proportion to one another. Observe that each value is
proportionally related to adjacent values. If we assign the arbitrary value “1


” to a

whole-note, then the half-note equals 1/2


. Therefore two half-notes are required

to equal a whole note, two quarter-notes equal a half-note and so on.

Chapter 1 The Elements of Rhythm: Sound, Symbol, and Time

1.1 Durational Values: Symbols Representing Time in Music



Understanding the Music Theory

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