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K E Y   T A K E A W A Y S

The student should understand:

• Taxonomy and nomenclature for scale steps and scale components.
• The Major Scale and its attributes.
• The Minor Scale, its three forms and their attributes.
• Relative Major/Minor, Parallel Major/Minor


1. In your

Scale Thesaurus


a. Construct Major scales on C, G, F, D, Bb.

b. Use half notes, ascending only. Use appropriate stem


c. Label each scale step by scale degree number and mark the

half steps.

2. In your

Scale Thesaurus


a. Construct Natural Minor scales on a, e, d, b, g.

b. Use half notes, ascending only. Use appropriate stem


c. Label each scale step by scale degree number and mark the

half steps.

3. In your

Scale Thesaurus


a. Construct the Harmonic and Melodic Minor forms for each

Natural Minor scale in Exercise 2.

b. Harmonic Minor, ascending only; Melodic Minor, ascending

and descending.

c. Make sure to use the appropriate accidentals and mark the

half steps.

Chapter 3 The Foundations Scale-Steps and Scales

3.2 Heptatonic Scales: The Major Scale, The Three Forms of the Minor Scale



Understanding the Music Theory

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