Treble and Bass Clefs, The Grand Staff
Figure 2.2
Treble Clef and Staff; Bass Clef and Staff
These two staves are combined into a
The Grand Staff
.In notation
we call complete lines of music a
. This reflects its origins from the Guidonian
staff: two five-line staves, slightly separated, the remaining invisible middle line
shared by both. The Grand Staff now yields the potential for locating and notating
all pitches, from lowest to highest.
Figure 2.3
The Grand Staff
pitches are listed just outside the boundaries of each
clef on the Grand Staff. Since the two staves (Treble and Bass) are separated from
one another in the Grand Staff, it is necessary to use symbols to extend each beyond
its five-line boundaries.
Ledger Lines
Short horizontal dashes are used to extend the range of either staff, above or below.
These dashes, called
ledger lines
, serve as truncated staff lines. They may occur
above or below a notehead, or they may bisect a notehead.
4. A staff or collection of staves
grouped together. It may also
refer to one complete line of
5. A system of two five-line staves
used to locate and notate pitch.
This evolved from the early
eleven-line staff.
6. Ledger lines are small
horizontal dashes above,
below, or through a notehead
used to extend the range of the
Chapter 2 The Elements of Pitch:Sound, Symbol, and Tone
2.1 Pitch and Pitch-Class