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81- Flashcard

this help express one’s identity to others and helps them make sense of it themselves.

Symbolic markers

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82- Flashcard

refers to the identity, soul or spirit separate from physical body.

Internet/ Online disembodiment

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83- Flashcard

Through the use of social media, people may act differently since interaction in social media do not happen face-to-face and there is no physical presence required.

Internet/ Online disembodiment

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84- Flashcard

on the internet, people can be whoever they want to be. They can completely redefine themselves if they want. People don’t look at bodies or hear the access for them to make assumptions. All they see are the words. What goes online stays online. They are permanent digital footprints

Turkle (1995)

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85- Flashcard

 lets a person associate a persistent ID for a single user with that user’s engagement data from one or more sessions initiated from one or more devices.

User ID

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also known as the login name, this is a unique sequence of characters used to identify a user and allow access to a computer system, computer network or online account


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87- Flashcard

How people act online is not how people act in the real world.

Dissociative Imagination

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a (virtual) person tends to assign traits to those individuals whom they meet online.

Solipsistic Introjection

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89- Flashcard

They assign what the person looks or sounds like in their head which is an imaginary interaction with the introjected character.

Solipsistic Introjection

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90- Flashcard

 People don’t have to own (be responsible) to their own behavior by acknowledging it within the full context of who “they” really are.

Dissociative Anonymity

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is a range of strategies that people adopt to shape what others think of them.


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the person who is using (blank) is trying to show that he/she is competent effective or a winner.


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93- Flashcard

the person is using (blank) in presenting oneself to others has a desire to be likable. They expect affection


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94- Flashcard

the person who is using (blank) has the intention to achieve worth from others. He/she expects others to feel guilty by their actions.


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95- Flashcard

the person who is using (blank) tries to appear dangerous or ruthless. He/she expects others to be afraid of them.


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the person using (blank) would like to appear helpless (handicapped or unfortunate). He/she aims to achieve nurturance from others


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97- Flashcard

refers to the tendency to think oneself in a favorable light.


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98- Flashcard

It includes efforts to boost one’s physical appearance.


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99- Flashcard

Efforts to increase their appeal to others


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100- Flashcard

Includes using ‘props’ to enhance their appeal to the whole world


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