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21- Flashcard

contains fenestrations. has a shield of negativity which repels negatively charged molecules

capillary endothelium

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allows further restriction of larger molecules. sandwiched between podocytes and capillary endothelium

basement membrane

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specialized cells that have extending processes that adhere to the basement membrane. filters blood and creates ultrafiltrate (filtration slits)

podocyte epithelium

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how much is being filtered by the kidney every 1200-1500 mL of blood being received?


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the amount of blood being filtered per minute

glomerular filtration rate

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directly related to the number of functioning nephrons

glomerular capillary filtration coefficient

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net filtration pressure

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determinants of glomerular filtration rate

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types of fire extinguisher

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occurs when substances move from the tubular lumen to the peritubular capillary plasma

tubular reabsorption

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movement of substances from the peritubular capillary plasma to the tubular lumen. tubular cells secrete products of their own cellular metabolism into the filtrate in the tubular lumen.

tubular secretion

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structures involved in tubular reabsorption and secretion

proximal convoluted tubule, loops of Henle and distal convoluted tubule

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requires the presence of transport CHONS and the expenditure of energy to transpory substances across the membrane

active transport

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plasma concentration of substance at which active transport stops, and the substance starts to appear in the urine

renal threshold

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renal threshold of glucose

160-180 mg/dL

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no expenditure of energy transport substances across the membrane. it includes simple diffusion (osmosis) and facilitated diffusion

passive transport

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is the diffusion of water from an area of higher water concentration to an area of low water concentration


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diffusion across the gradient is facilitated by transport CHONs

facilitated diffusion

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Loop of Henle two segments

descending segment and ascending segment

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impermeable to water. it actively reabsorb salts and other inorganic ions

ascending segment

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