Study Set Content:
141- Flashcard

Meat tenderizer


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142- Flashcard

Additive to detergent for removal of protein stains


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143- Flashcard

Whitening of bread


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144- Flashcard

Produces flavor in cheese


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145- Flashcard

Enzymes lower (blank) , of a particular reaction.

the activation energy, Ea

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is the minimum energy needed for a reaction to occur.

activation energy

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147- Flashcard

An enzyme has a high affinity for the t

transition state

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An enzyme has a high affinity for the transition state (even higher than for its


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Transition state

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152- Flashcard

Concentration of ES Burst of ES complexes form

Pre-steady state

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ES remains constant. It is formed as quickly as it breaks dowm

Steady state(equilibrium)

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Substrate depletes so fewer ES complexes can form

Post-steady state

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Rate of product formation

Slow as must first wait for ES to form. Speeds up as ES forms.

Pre-steady state

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Constant rate of formation. Faster than pre-steady state

Steady state

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Slow as there are fewer ES complexes. Slows down as substrate runs out.

Post-steady state

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Two terms that are important within Michaelis-Menten Kinetics are

Vmax –

Km (Michaelis constant)

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the maximum rate of reaction when all enzyme active sites are saturated with substrate


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The substrate concentration that gives half maximal velocity. Km is a measure of the affinity an enzyme has for its substrate, as a lower Km means that less of the substrate is required to reach half of Vmax.

Km (Michaelis constant

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