Study Set Content:
101- Flashcard

The fact that amino acids are zwitterions explains their

 physical properties

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102- Flashcard

All of them are solids with (blank) melting points


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103- Flashcard

Fairly soluble in


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104- Flashcard

is the pH at which the amino acid does not migrate in an electric field.

The isoelectronic point or isoionic point

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105- Flashcard

• This means it is the pH at which the amino acid is


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106- Flashcard

what form is more dominant

zwitterion form

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107- Flashcard

The pI is given by the

average of the pKas that involve the zwitterion

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108- Flashcard

There are 3 cases to consider....

1. Amino acids with NEUTRAL SIDE CHAINS

. Amino acids with ACIDIC SIDE CHAINS

3. Amino acids with BASIC SIDE CHAINS

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109- Flashcard

These amino acids are characterized by two pKas

pKa1 (carboxylic acid) and pKa2 (amine).

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110- Flashcard

The isoelectronic point will be

halfway between, or the average of, these two pKas

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111- Flashcard

pI =

 1/2 (pKa1 + pKa2 ).

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112- Flashcard

•At a very acidic pH (below pKa1 ) the amino acid will have an overall (blank)charge


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113- Flashcard

at a very basic pH (above pKa2 ) the amino acid will have an overall(blank) charge.


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114- Flashcard

For the simplest amino acid, glycine pKa1

\= 2.34

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\= 9.6

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, pI =


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117- Flashcard

The pI is given by the average of the pKas that involve t


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The pI will be at a lower pH because the acidic side chain introduces an "extra" negative charge. So the neutral form exists under more acidic conditions when the extra negative has been neutralized

Amino acids with ACIDIC SIDE CHAINS

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119- Flashcard

To compute for the isoelectric point

1. Find the pKa which represents the equilibrium between the positive and neutral form

2. Find the pKa which represents the equilibrium between the negative and neutral form

3. And average those two

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120- Flashcard

or example, for aspartic acid, the neutral form is dominant between pH

1.88 and 3.65

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