Pain, migraine, smooth muscle relaxation, antiemetics, tranquilizers, hemorrhoids, anal itch, cathartics
For local and systemic effects
Bullet-shaped and pencil-shaped
For adults and children
Depends on the method of administration
With or without 1st pass effect
Avoid first-pass effect (partial)
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Drug stability
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Large dose drugs
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Lack of dose flexibility
Disadvantages of rectal suppositories
Can be expensive
Disadvantages of rectal suppositories
Irritating drugs
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Unpleasant tasting or smelling drugs
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Variable effectiveness due to different factors*
Disadvantages of rectal suppositories
Bullet-shaped can reach the colon (not for bedtime)
Disadvantages of rectal suppositories
Pediatric use
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Unconscious or nauseous/vomiting patient
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Defecation can interrupt absorption
Disadvantages of rectal suppositories
For patients with disease in upper GI
Advantages of rectal suppositories
Microflora in the rectum can degrade drug
Disadvantages of rectal suppositories