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refers to the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical values in a post-licensure specialization or in an inter- or multidisciplinary field of study, for assimilation into professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong learning:

Continuing Professional Development or CPD

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refers to a body created to promote and ensure the continuous improvement of professionals, in accordance with national, regional and international standards of practice;

CPD Council

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refers to the value of an amount of learning that can be transferred to a qualification achieved from formal, informal or nonformal learning setting, where in credits can be accumulated to predetermined levels for the award of a qualification.

CPD credit unit

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refers to a set of learning activities accredited by the CPD Council such as seminars, workshops, technical lectures or subject matter meetings, nondegree training lectures and scientific meetings, modules, tours and visits, which equip the professionals with advanced knowledge, skills and values in specialized or in an inter- or multidisciplinary field of study, self- directed research and/or lifelong learning;

CPD program

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refers to a natural or juridical person accredited by the CPD Council to conduct CPD Programs;

CPD Provider

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refers to educational arrangements such as curricular qualifications and teaching-learning requirements that take place in education and training institutions recognized by relevant national authorities, and which lead to diplomas and qualifications;

Formal Learning

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refers to learning that occurs in daily life assessed, through the recognition, validation and accreditation process, and which can contribute to a qualification;

Informal learning

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s refer to what a learner can be expected to know, understand and/or demonstrate as a result of a learning experience;

Learning outcomes

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refers to learning activities undertaken throughout life for the development of competencies and qualifications of the professional;

Lifelong learning

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refers to learning that has been acquired in addition or alternatively to formal learning, which may be structured and made more flexible according to educational and training arrangements

Nonformal learning

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refer to structured or unstructured learning initiatives, which make use of the internet and other web-based Information and Communications Technology solutions;

Online learning activities

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refer to mechanisms that provide access to qualifications and assist professionals to move easily and readily between the different education and training sectors, and between these sectors, and the labor market, through the Philippine Credit Transfer System;

Pathways and Equivalencies

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refers to the quality assured national system for the development, recognition and award of qualifications at defined levels, based on standards of knowledge, skills and values, acquired in different ways and methods by learners and workers;

Philippine Qualifications Framework or PQF

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refers to a person’s skills, knowledge and competencies that have been acquired through work experience, training, independent study, volunteer activities and hobbies, that may be applied for academic credit, as a requirement of a training program or for occupational certification;

Prior learning

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refers to planned and systematic processes that provide confidence in the design, delivery and award of qualifications within an education and training system, and is a component of quality management that is focused on ensuring that quality requirements will be fulfilled; and

Quality assurance

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refers to learning activities such as online training, local/international seminars/nondegree courses, institution/companysponsored training programs, and the like, which did not undergo CPD accreditation but maybe applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD Council

Self-directed learning

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(a)()() the competencies and qualifications of professionals for the practice of their professions pursuant to the PQF, the AQRF and the ASEANMRAs;

(b) Ensure () of competencies and qualifications of professionals through career progression mechanisms leading to specialization/sub-specialization;

(c) Ensure the development of () assured mechanisms for the validation, accreditation and recognition of formal, nonformal and informal learning outcomes, including professional work experiences and prior learning:

Enhance and upgrade, international alignment, quality

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(d) Ensure() of core competencies and development of advanced and new competencies, in order to respond to national, regional and international labor market needs; and

(e) Recognize and ensure the () of professionals in uplifting the general welfare, economic growth and development of the nation.

maintenance, contributions

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These include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) Formal learning;

(b) Nonformal learning;

(c) Informal learning;

(d) Self-directed learning;

(e) Online learning activities; and

(f) Professional work experience.

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(a) Organize ()for each of the regulated professions and promulgate guidelines for their operation;

(b) ()existing and new CPD Programs for all of the regulated professions; (c) Formulate, issue, and promulgate ()and procedures for the implementation of the CPD Programs;

CPD Councils , Review , guidelines

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