(d) ()with the academe, concerned government agencies, and other stakeholders in the implementation of the CPD Programs and other measures provided under this Act; and
(e) Coordinate with concerned () in the development of mechanisms and guidelines, in the grant and transfer of credit units earned from all the learning processes and activities, pursuant to this Act.
Coordinate , government agencies
¨ Every CPD Council shall be composed of a ()().
¨ The chairperson of the CPD Council shall be the member of the ()so chosen by the PRB concerned to sit in the CPD Council.
chairperson and two (2) members, PRB
The first member shall be the ()of the AIPO/APO duly authorized by its Board of Governors/Trustees. In the absence of the AIPO/APO, the PRB concerned shall submit within()working days from notification of such absence, a list of() recommendees from the national professional organizations. The PRC shall designate the first member within () days from receipt of the list.
president or officer , ten (10) , three (3), thirty (30)
The second member shall be the president or officer of the () of schools, colleges or universities offering the course requiring the licensure examination. In the absence of such organization, the PRB concerned shall submit, within()working days from notification of such absence, a list of () recommendees from the academe. The PRC shall designate the second member within() working days from receipt of the list.
national organization of deans or department chairpersons, ten (10) , three (3), twenty (20)
The term of office of the chairperson of the CPD Council shall be () with his/her incumbency in the PRB unless sooner replaced by the PRB concerned through a resolution, subject to the approval of the PRC. The first and second members shall have a term of office of () years unless sooner replaced through a resolution by the AIPO/APO concerned or the organization of deans or heads of departments, respectively. However, members of the CPD Council who are appointed by the PRC may be replaced before the end of the ()-year period, upon the recommendation of the PRB through a resolution.
coterminous, two (2), two (2)
(a) Ensure the adequate and appropriate ()of CPD Programs for their respective profession;
(b) Evaluate and act on applications for() of CPD Providers and their CPD Programs;
(c)()and evaluate the implementation of the CPD Programs;
provision , accreditation, Monitor
(d) Assess and/or() the criteria for accreditation of CPD Providers and their CPD Programs on a regular basis;
(e) Develop () for the validation, accreditation and recognition of self-directed learning, prior/informal learning, online learning, and other learning processes through professional work experience;
(f) Conduct () studies and benchmarking for international alignment of the CPD Programs;
upgrade, mechanisms, researches,
(g) Issue () guidelines, with the approval of the PRC and the PRB concerned; and
(h) Perform such other functions () or incidental to the implementation of the CPD.
operational, related
A CPD Council () is hereby created at the PRC Central and Regional Offices to provide technical, administrative and operational support to the CPD Councils and the PRBs in the implementation of the CPD Programs. The CPD Council Secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Director to be appointed by the PRC.
he CPD is hereby made as a () requirement in the renewal of the PICs of all registered and licensed professionals under the regulation of the PRC
All duly validated and recognized CPD credit units earned by a professional shall be accumulated and transferred in accordance with the () of the PQF.
Pathways and Equivalencies
The PRC and the PRBs, in consultation with the AIPO/APO, the Civil Service Commission (CSC), other concerned government agencies and industry stakeholders, shall formulate and implement a () for every profession. The () shall form part of the CPD
Career Progression and Specialization Program, Career Progression and Specialization Program
All concerned government agencies and private firms and organizations employing professionals shall include the CPD as part of their () plan and program
human resource development
The implementation of the provisions of this Act shall be immediately included in the (), the funding of which shall be included in its annual submissions for inclusion in the annual ()Act. The funding requirement herein mentioned shall be used for the regular operations of the CPD Councils, including the () of the conduct of the CPD Programs.
PRC programs, General Appropriations , monitoring
The () shall review and approve the proposed budget for each CPD Council, taking into consideration the reasonable expenses that will be incurred for travel, honorarium/allowances, and per diems, when attending official CPD Council meetings or performing other related functions assigned to them
The PRC and the PRBs, in consultation with the AIPO/APO and other stakeholders, shall promulgate the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) within() months from the effectivity of this Act. However, a PRB may prescribe its own requirements or procedure relating to the CPD as may be pertinent and applicable to the specific profession: Provided, That the same does not contravene any of the provisions of this Act and its IRR.
six (6)
¨ Fraudulent acts relating to the implementation and enforcement of this Act shall be punishable under the pertinent provisions of the (), the ()and other applicable laws.
¨ In addition to the penalties prescribed in the aforementioned laws, a professional who is adjudged guilty of any fraudulent act relating to the CPD shall also be meted with the penalty of () of his/her PRC Certificate of Registration and/or Certificate of Specialization
Revised Penal Code, New Civil Code , suspension or revocation
party to any fraudulent act relating to the CPD, he/she shall also be In case of a government official or employee who is subject to the administrative penalties that may be imposed under the () laws, the ()of Public Officials and Employees.
anti-graft, Administrative Code and the Code of Conduct
f any part or provision of this Act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain in () force and effect.
All laws, decrees, executive orders and other administrative issuance or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of Act, are hereby () or modified accordingly