his Act shall take effect() days following its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in()newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.
fifteen (15), two (2)
WHEREAS, Section()of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8981 or the PRC Modernization Act of 2000 provides for the following powers, functions and responsibilities of the Professional Regulatory Boards: to regulate the practice of the professions in accordance with the provisions of their respective professional regulatory laws; to monitor the conditions affecting the practice of the profession or occupation and whenever necessary adopt measures as may be deemed proper for the enhancement of the profession or occupation and/or the maintenance of high professional, ethical and technical standards; and to hear and investigate cases arising from violations of their respective laws, the rules and regulations and their Code of Ethics, among others;
WHEREAS, R.A. No. 10918, also known as The Philippine Pharmacy Act, is the legal () that provides for the supervision, control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines;
Section ()(g) of R.A. No. 10918 states that it is the duty of the Professional Regulatory Board of Pharmacy (Board) to promulgate and prescribe the Pharmacists’ Code of Ethics, Code of Technical Standards and Guidelines for the Professional Practice of the Pharmacy Profession, in coordination with the Accredited Professional Organization;
Board coordinated and conducted consultations on (),() with its ()(), thru a Technical Working Group and finalized the Pharmacists' Code of Ethics that is responsive and relevant to the prevailing trends and developments in the pharmacy practice;
18 December 2020, 08 January and 22 January 2021, Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO), the Philippine Pharmacists Association (PPHA)
WHEREAS, as the() for the pharmacy profession, the ()commits to elevate the standards of pharmacy practice in the Philippine
WHEREAS, the Pharmacists’ Code of Ethics outlines the () rules and principles with the end in view of ensuring the safety and interest of the patients and the public, in general. The Code sets forth the ()of pharmacists to patients and clients, to the profession, to colleagues in the profession, to allied health professionals, to the society, and to the industry;
ethical, professional responsibilities
WHEREFORE, the Board hereby (), as it is so RESOLVED, to promulgate and prescribe hereunder the Pharmacists’ Code of Ethics for the observance of all pharmacists registered with the Board and the Professional Regulation Commission:
() are valued and recognized health professionals who are given the responsibility within the overall health system, mainly to promote safe, effective and responsible use of medicines. Together with other health professionals, they assist patients and those to whom they provide professional services to gain maximum therapeutic benefit from their medicines
As pharmacy practice is not limited to the provision of direct (), pharmacists also work closely with consumers, patients, carers and other stakeholders in the discovery, development, manufacture and supply management of medicines. They perform technical and leadership roles in education, research, regulations and policy development. Pharmacists help individual, families and communities maintain good health and avoid ill health.
clinical care
With these professional responsibilities, the pharmacists hereby publicly state, through this (), the principles that form the fundamental basis of the norms and standards in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. These basic principles based on moral obligation and virtues are established to() the pharmacists in their relationship with and obligation to patients, consumers, carers, health professionals and other partners in particular and with the society in general.
Code of Ethics, guide
1. A pharmacist places the health and well-being of the individual and the community at the () of professional practice
Interpretation: A pharmacist commits to help ()() to improve self-care and to maintain good health, prevent illness and make the best use of medications. A pharmacist establishes therapeutic relationship to gain ()and confidence of the clients.
individual and community, trust
2. A pharmacist respects the () of the patient and recognizes ()
Interpretation: A pharmacist promotes self-care, () making in health and rights pertaining to choice of treatment, according to personal, gender, cultural and racial differences.
autonomy and rights, cultural differences. , decision
3. A pharmacist cares for each individual with () and compassion. Interpretation: A pharmacist provides pharmaceutical care and () patients and clients with compassion.
competence, assists
1. A pharmacist acts with ()()() in her/his relationship with patients, carers and other stakeholders in healthcare. Interpretation: A pharmacist builds a () relationship with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals with appropriate actions and behaviors; commits to transparency and accountability in all dealings.
honesty, integrity and professionalism, trusting
2. A pharmacist abides by (), scientific principles, professional practice and ethical standards.
Interpretation: A pharmacist is () for her/his actions and faces consequences when regulatory and scientific standards are not met.
regulatory requirements, responsible
3. A pharmacist is committed to lifelong () to enhance professional competence.
Interpretation: A pharmacist ensures that her/his knowledge and skills are continuously ()()
learning,updated and upgraded
4. A pharmacist demonstrates () to the development and enhancement of the profession. Interpretation: A pharmacist takes () roles and involvement in initiatives and programs that are critical to the demands of the profession as it continuously evolves.
commitment, leadership