A current example of an adaptive clinical trial is the () (Investigation of Serial Studies to Predict Your Therapeutic Response with Imaging and Molecular Analysis 2), which is investigatingmultipledrug combinations and accompanying biomarkers for treating locally advanced breast cancer
are a form of adaptive trials that rely on principles of Bayesian statistics. Ratherthanwaiting until full enrollment and completion of follow-up for all enrolled patients, a Bayesian trial allowsforassessment of results during the course of the trial and modifying its design to arrive at results moreefficiently
Bayesian clinical trials
are a type of multicenter trial design using existing online registries as anefficientplatform to conduct patient assignment to treatment and control groups, maintain case records, andconductfollow-up.
Clinical registry trials
are clinical trials in which a single patient is the total population for the trial andinwhichasequence of experimental and control interventions are allocated to the patient. N-of-1 trials areusedtodetermine treatment effects in individuals, and sets of these trials can be used to estimate heterogeneityoftreatment effects across a population
. N-of-1 trials
are intended to account for patient preferences in the design of RCTs, including their ability to discern the impact of patient preference on health outcomes
Patient preference trials