Stacking of RBCs
True or False:
Proteins are positive in charge
Examples of Red Cell Antigens
MN, Ss, U, Gerbich antigens
Additional info: Glycophorins carry red cell antigens
Band 3 is also known as?
Anion Exchange Protein 1
Chloride-bicarbonate exchange and Constitutes 25% of total membrane
Band 3
Where does the chloride shift happen?
Band 3
True or False:
Both Chloride and Bicarbonate are negative in charge
What makes the body acidic?
Cause of the increase in CO2 in the body
What is formed when the carbonic acid is further broken down?
Bicarbonate and Hydrogen ions
Identify the mechanism:
Bicarbonate is negative charge and will be released by the RBC and neutralize the increase of the acidity brought by the increase in CO2 in the body
Positive feedback mechanism
What do you call the mechanism when the Chloride in the plasma will be taken inside the cell to compensate the loss of bicarbonate
Chloride Shift
True or False:
If the RBC is normal, the spectrin uncoils
False; the spectrin coils when the RBC is normal
Actin forms a short filaments of how many monomers whose length is regulated by tropomyosin and tropomodulin
What type of protein is spectrin?
Peripheral Protein
Biconcave disc shape of RBC; unfold and refold
It is the major protein of RBCs; Predominant skeletal protein, it exists as a heterodimer of two large chain
Critical to RBC survival as the cell travels through the microvasculature. Also essential for oxygen delivery.
Membrane Deformability
True or False:
Proteins don't require ATP
False; yes they do, bitch
It is a type of poikilocyte which is not deformable due to the decrease in surface area and damage in proteins