47. Classification of leucocytes. Leucocyte formula. Characteristics of agranular lymphocytes.
Monocytes: number, dimensions, structure a. function.
48. Classification of leucocytes. Leucocyte formula. Characteristics of granulocytes: types,
dimensions, structure a. functions.
49. Embryonic a. postembryonic hemopoiesis. Notion of totipotential hemopoietic stem cells
(THSC), colony-forming units (CFU), Precursors of different lymphocytes. Erythropoiesis: its
stages, maturation of RBC.
50. Embryonic a. postembryonic hemopoiesis. Notion of totipotential hemopoietic stem cells
(THSC), colony-forming units (CFU). Precursors. Granulopoiesis: its stages, maturation of
51. Embryonic a. postembryonic hemopoiesis. Notion of totipotential hemopoietic stem cells
(THSC), colony-forming units (CFU). Precursors. Platelets formation a. its stages.
52. Embryonic a. postembryonic hemopoiesis. Notion of totipotential hemopoietic stem cells
(THSC), colony-forming units (CFU). Precursors. Monocytes development a. its stages.
53. Embryonic a. postembryonic hemopoiesis. Notion of totipotential hemopoietic stem cells
(THSC), colony-forming units (CFU). Precursors. Lymphopoiesis. Notion of physiological a.
reparative regeneration of the blood.
54. Notion of immune system a. its structural components. Classification a. characteristics of
immunocytes. Cell interaction in humoral a. cellular immunity. T-lymphocytes: types a.
functions. B-lymphocytes a. plasma cells: differentiation, structure a. function. Antigene-
depending a. antigene-independing differentiations of T- a. B-lymphocytes.
55. Notion of immune system a. its structural components. Classification a. characteristics of
immunocytes. Cell interaction in humoral a. cellular immunity. Role of macrophages a. mast
cells in immune reactions.
56. Notion of immune system a. its structural components. Classification a. characteristics of
immunocytes. Cell interaction in humoral a. cellular immunity. Cell cooperation in immune
response. Notion of mediators in immune reactions: lymphokynes a. monokynes.
57. Muscle tissue. Common morphological a. functional characteristic: classification, origin,
structural a. functional role. Regeneration of muscular tissue.
58. Muscle tissue. Common morphological a. functional characteristic: classification, origin.
Smooth muscle tissue: location a. character of innervation. Structural basis of smooth muscle
cells contraction.
59. Muscle tissue. Common morphological a. functional characteristic: classification, origin.
Striated skeletal tissue. Structural a functional unit in striated skeletal muscle tissue. Myofibril a.
its structural unit ( sarcomere). Structural basis of striated muscle fibre contraction. Types of
muscle fibres.
60. Muscle tissue. Common morphological a. functional characteristic: classification, origin.
Striated skeletal muscle tissue: structure, histogenesis, regeneration. Muscle as an organ.
61. Muscle tissue. Common morphological a. functional characteristic: classification, origin.
Cardiac muscle tissue: structural a. functional characteristic, types of cardiac myocytes.
62. Nervous tissue. Structural a. functional characteristic, origin. Morphological a. functional
classification of neurons. Structural a. functional characteristics of neurons.
63. Nervous tissue. Structural a. functional characteristic, origin. Nerve fibers. Morpho-
functional characteristic of myelinated a. non-myelinated fibers. Myelin formation a.
regeneration of nerve fiber.