1. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Cell biological membranes .( structure, content, functions).
2. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Plasmalemma ( structure, contents, functions). Transport of materials through
the plasmalemma. Endocytosis a. exocytosis. Intercellular contacts (types, structural a. functional
3. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Cytoplasm ( common characteristic, classification of organelles ). Mytochondria
- structure a. functions.
4. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Classification of organelles. Lysosomes -structure, function, types.
5. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Classification of organelles. Golgi complex - structure a. functions.
6. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Classification of organelles. Endoplasmic reticulum (forms, participation in
synthesis process).
7. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Non-membraneous organelles. Microvilli, cilia a. flagella.
8. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Cytoskeleton - structure a. function. Inclusions -classification; structural,
functional a. chemical characteristics. Hyaloplasm a. its role.
9. Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Nucleus ( main role, basic components a. functional characteristics).
Euchromatin a. heterochromatin.
10.Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of
structure of eucariotic cells. Nucleus ( main role, basic components a.
functional characteristics). Nucleolus - structure a. function.
11.Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Modes of cell division.
12.Cell as structural a. functional unit of tissue. Definition, common plan of structure of
eucariotic cells. Cell cycle, periods. Basic concepts of cell theory a. its importance for biology a.
13. Sex (germ) cell - structural a. functional characteristics. Spermato- a. ovogenesis.
14. Types of ovocytes. Types of cleavage in different classes of Vertebratae.
15. Stages of embryogenesis. Fertilization.
16. Gastrulation a. its mechanisms in different Vertebratae.
17. Extraembryonic organs in Birds a. Mammals.
18. Stages of embryogenesis. Fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation in human embryo.
19. Gastrulation in human embryo. Formation of primitive streak, primitive node a. their
20. Gastrulation in human embryo. Mesechyme a. its derivatives differentiation.
21. Differentiation of germinal layers. Development of axial structures in man. Ventral a. dorsal
mesoderm, their components a. differentiation of derivatives.
22. Differentiation of germinal layers. Development of axial structures in man. Ectoderm,
differentiation of its derivatives.
23. Differentiation of germinal layers. Development of axial structures in man. Endoderm,
differentiation of its derivatives.