Study Set Content:
61- Flashcard

have changed as a result.

• Other cases are finding pharmacists have a

responsibility for

patient counseling and drug

therapy monitoring.

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the pharmacy

promised in its advertising that its computer system

would detect drug interactions or warn patients

about adverse drug reactions; the pharmacists

were held liable when they failed to detect and

warn the patient of a potential adverse reaction.

Sanderson v. Eckerd Corporation,

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the court imposed a duty on a

pharmacist to alert the prescriber when the dose

prescribed is outside the therapeutic range.

Horner v. Spalitto,

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the pharmacy’s

computer system was overridden, and the

pharmacist failed to warn a patient allergic to

aspirin and ibuprofen of the potential for cross

allergenicity with ketorolac. The court found the

pharmacist has a duty to warn when a

contraindicated drug is prescribed.

In Happel v. Wal Mart Stores

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where the plaintiffs

alleged that the pharmacist’s failure to properly

warn of the known dangers of desipramine was the

proximate cause of the patient’s death, the court

held that pharmacists have a duty beyond

accurately filling a prescription “based on known

contraindications, which would alert a reasonably

prudent pharmacist to a potential problem.” 27

However, the court did not find for the plaintiff

opining that pharmacist do not have knowledge

that desipramine may cause hypereosinophilic


Morgan v. Wal Mart Stores,

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the pharmacist dispensed

an otic solution without warning of the risk of

tympanic membrane rupture and the need to

discontinue the drug if certain symptoms

appeared. The plaintiff claimed that because of

the lack of warning he suffered from severe and

permanent injury including brain damage.

Heredia v. Johnson,

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“false information provided to another could result

in harm to the recipient if the recipient acted

relying on the false information”


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“One who negligently gives false

information to another is subject to liability

for physical harm caused by action taken

by the other in reasonable reliance upon

such information[...] Such negligence may

consist of failure to exercise reasonable

care in ascertaining accuracy of the

information, or in the manner in which it is


Restatement (Second) of Torts, Negligent

Misrepresentation Involving Risk of Physical Harm

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Drug information may be faulty for one or more


it may be dated; it may simply be wrong; it

may be incomplete and, therefore, misleading; or

none may have been provided because of an

incomplete search or incompetent searcher.

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Inappropriate quality information may occur

because references are updated


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Even electronic references are updated differently

some monthly, others


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Most DI services require documentation of an

answer in at least()different sources.


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Checking a DI response in () references is the

standard of practice.


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Information negligence

Parameter negligence:

Omission negligence:

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failure to consult

the correct source

Parameter negligence:

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consulting the

correct source, but failure to locate the

correct answer[s]

Omission negligence:

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occurs when a

pharmaceutical company develops the

concept for an article to counteract

criticism of a drug or embellish its benefits,

hires a professional writing company to

draft the article, retains a health

professional to sign off as the author, and

finds a publisher to unwittingly publish the



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An unskilled searcher or one with insufficient

searching knowledge may not find correct or

complete information, which can lead to the

() answer.


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The fault can lie() in the information

dissemination chain, publication, collection,

storage, retrieval, dissemination, or utilization.


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Errors are often encountered in DI databases; DI

pharmacists are constantly finding () and

reporting the errors to the vendor or publisher.


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