Study Set Content:
81- Flashcard

he plate would be placed into a shallow pool of "development" solvent and allowed to move up the plate by

capillary action.

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82- Flashcard

Once complete, remove and allow the solvent to


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83- Flashcard

Colored compounds would be shown as distinct spots.

Visualization -

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84- Flashcard

can be used to visualize colorless compounds.

UV light or lodine vapor

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85- Flashcard

Why must the spot be applied to the TLC plate above the level of development solvent?

So that the sample would not dissolve in the development solvent

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86- Flashcard

What will be the result of adding too much sample to the TLC plate?

The sample would streak or trail along the plate.

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87- Flashcard

In a TLC analysis of analgesics, what would be the result if a solvent of too low polarity is used to develop the plate?

The components will not separate or move enough, resulting to a very small Rf value

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88- Flashcard

Ethyl ester or

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid

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89- Flashcard

The preparation is done by


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90- Flashcard

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91- Flashcard

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92- Flashcard

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93- Flashcard

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94- Flashcard

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95- Flashcard

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96- Flashcard

is an organic reaction which is employed to convert carboxylic acids in the presence of excess alcohol and a strong acid catalyst to give an ester as the final product.

Fischer Esterification

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97- Flashcard

This ester is formed along with


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98- Flashcard

is generally well tolerated and non-toxic when applied topically as recommended.


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However, there have been reports of serious, life-threatening adverse effects (e.g., () ) with overapplication of topical products or when applying topical products that contain high concentrations of benzocaine to the skin.

seizures, coma, irregular heartbeat, respiratory depression

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100- Flashcard

To treat a variety of

 pain-related conditions.

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