Study Set Content:
121- Flashcard

Golgi Apparatus


Assembly Factory

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122- Flashcard

Takes simple molecules and puts them together into more complex macromolecules.

Golgi Apparatus

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Packages, modifies, and transports materials to different location inside/outside of the cell.

Golgi Apparatus

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124- Flashcard

Consists of a stack of curved saccules

Golgi Apparatus

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Receives protein and also lipid filled vesicles from the ER, packages, processes, and distributes them within the cell or for export out of the cell (secretion).

Golgi Apparatus

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126- Flashcard

GolgI apparatus also encloses digestive enzymes into membranes to

form lysosomes.

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The Trucks

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Store, transport, or digest cellular products and waste.


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Small compartments separated from the cytosol by at least one lipid bilayer.


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Made in Golgi apparatus, ER, or from parts of the plasma membrane


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Vesicles form while taking in (blank) or discharging (blank) materials

endocytosis, exocytosis

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Recycling Trucks

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Break down food into particles and also destroy old cellular components.


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Contain hydrolytic enzymes and are involved in intracellular digestion.


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Made of

And function

Energy Related Organelles:

Plasma Membrane

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Both organelles house energy in the form of ATP.

Mitochondria and Chloroplast

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Both ancestrally were independent cells that formed a symbiotic relationship with other cells.

Mitochondria and Chloroplast

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Structures Found in Plants

chloroplast, vacuole, cell wall

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Solar Panels

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140- Flashcard

Captures sunlight energy to make ATP


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