Study Set Content:
201- Flashcard

Measures to counter an anaphylactic shock

- Epinephrine inj and a tourniquet

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202- Flashcard

potency of not less than 500 antitoxin units per ml.

Diphtheria Antitoxin

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203- Flashcard

potency of not less than 400 antitoxin units per ml.

Tetanus Antitoxin

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204- Flashcard

multivalent antitoxin is used to treat all cases of toxemia caused by the types of botulinus bacteria

Botulism Antitoxin

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205- Flashcard

used for prophylaxis and treatment of the specific disease

Passive immunizing agent

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206- Flashcard

sterile, nonpyrogenic solution of the refined and concentrated antitoxic antibodies, chiefly(), obtained from the blood serum or plasma of healthy () that have been immunized against the toxins

globulins , horses

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207- Flashcard

stored at a temperature of between

2 and 8° C

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208- Flashcard

are poisonous excretions produced by animals; they can be compared with the toxic waste products (exotoxins) of bacteria


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209- Flashcard

are obtained by holding a poisonous snake over a conical glass container covered with a sheet of thin rubber

Snake venins or venoms

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210- Flashcard

North and South American antisnakebite serum

Antivenin (Crotalidae) Polyvalent

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211- Flashcard

North American coral snake antivenin

Antivenin (Micrurus fulvius)

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212- Flashcard

black widow spider antivenin

Antivenin (Latrodectus mactans)

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213- Flashcard

4 species of pit vipers

Crotalus atrox

C. adamanteus

C. durissus terrificus

Bothrops atrox

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214- Flashcard

(Western diamondback)

Crotalus atrox

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215- Flashcard

(South American rattlesnake)

C. durissus terrificus

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216- Flashcard

(Florida diamondback)

C. adamanteus

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217- Flashcard

(South American fer-de-lance) (Crotalidae)

Bothrops atrox

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218- Flashcard

 the eastern coral snake; also neutralizes M. fulvius tenere (Texas coral snake) but not Micruroides euryxanthus (Arizona or Sonoran coral snake)

Micrurus fulvius

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219- Flashcard

Texas coral snake

M. fulvius tenere

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220- Flashcard

Arizona or Sonoran coral snake)

Micruroides euryxanthus

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