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241- Flashcard

a lymphocyte selective immunosuppressant that is prepared by immunizing horses with human thymus cells and then isolating the equine gamma globulin

Lymphocyte Immune Globulin

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242- Flashcard

derived from human blood plasma containing antibody to the erythrocyte factor Rh0 (D

RH0 (D) Immune Globulin

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blood that has been drawn from a selected donor under rigid aseptic conditions, contains citrate ion or heparin as an anticoagulant

Whole blood

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whole blood from which plasma has been removed

Red blood cells

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prepared from prothrombin of bovine origin through interaction with added thromboplastin in the presence of calcium


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Used as a blood replenisher

Whole blood

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used as a blood replenisher; anemia

Red blood cells

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• local hemostatic • applied topically to control blood oozing from capillaries and small venules when the area is accessible


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useful in dental surgery, laryngeal and nasal surgery, plastic surgery, and skin grafting procedures


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useful for passive immunization against tetanus in individuals with wounds that may have been contaminated with tetanus microorganism

Tetanus immune globulin

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indicated for passive protection against rabies in persons suspected of exposure to rabies Its use is the same as antirabies serum; however, because it is of human origin, it possesses the added advantage of removing the risk of serum sickness

Rabies Immune Globulin

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252- Flashcard

Chicken pox

Varicella-zoster immune globulin

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Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B immune globulin

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antibody that neutralizes the antigen in Rh-positive blood, which sensitizes Rh-negative women and results in Rh hemolytic disease of the newborn

RHD factor

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indicated for use in organ transplant.

Lymphocyte Immune Globulin

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stored at a constant temperature of between 1 and 6° C

Whole blood

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Note exp date in the book depending on the () used


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storage at —65° C or colder

Red blood cells

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Solutions should be used within a few hours after preparation


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Antihemophilic factor: sterile, freeze-dried concentrate of human antihemophilic factor (prepared from the factor () fraction of human venous plasma) for use in the therapy of () (classic hemophilia) by accelerating the abnormally slow clotting time.

VIII-rich cryoprotein , hemophilia A

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