Study Set Content:
81- Flashcard

Important for the function or structural integrity of specific body tissues

Fat soluble vitamins

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82- Flashcard

Fat soluble vitamins can be retained in the body?


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83- Flashcard

() toxic in large doses and are stored in the () of organs of the body

More, fatty reserves

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84- Flashcard

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

vitamins A, D, E, K

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85- Flashcard

Vitamin A other name


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86- Flashcard

Vitamin D


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87- Flashcard

Vitamin E


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88- Flashcard

Vitamin K


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89- Flashcard

Promotes healthy vision, immune system

function, and skin health

Vitamin A

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90- Flashcard

Acts as an antioxidant, and supports immune

system function, skin health, and healthy


Vitamin E

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91- Flashcard

Helps the body absorb calcium and

phosphorus, and supports bone health,

immune system function, and proper cell

growth and development

Vitamin D

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92- Flashcard

Essential for proper blood clotting, and

supports healthy bone metabolism

Vitamin K

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93- Flashcard

Vitamin A sources


▪ Sweet potatoes

▪ Spinach

▪ Kale

▪ Mango

▪ Cantaloupe

▪ Apricots

▪ Liver

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94- Flashcard

Vitamin D

Fatty fish

▪ Egg yolks

▪ Fortified milk

▪ Cereals

▪ Sunlight

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95- Flashcard

Vitamin E

▪ Vegetable oil

▪ Nuts

▪ Seeds

▪ Fortified cereals

▪ Leafy greens

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96- Flashcard

Vitamin K

Leafy greens

▪ Cruciferous


▪ Vegetable Oil

▪ Eggs

▪ Liver

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97- Flashcard

are not stored in the body and must be replaced each day

Water-soluble vitamins

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98- Flashcard

hey act as catalysts and enzyme cofactors in metabolic processes and energy transfer

Water-Soluble Vitamins

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99- Flashcard

They are easily destroyed or washed-out during

cooking or during food storage

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100- Flashcard

do not accumulateinthebody

Water-soluble vitamins

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