Study Set Content:
201- Flashcard

is one of the strategies to treat chronic orthostatic hypotension, and drugs activating a receptors can be used for this purpose.

Increasing peripheral resistance

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202- Flashcard

is used for this indication


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203- Flashcard

have been used in the temporary emergency management of complete heart block and cardiac arrest.

Isoproterenol and epinephrine

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204- Flashcard

may be useful in cardiac arrest in part by redistributing blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to coronaries and to the brain.


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205- Flashcard

However,____ are both safer and more effective in heart block and should be inserted as soon as possible if there is any indication of continued high-degree block.

electronic pacemakers

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206- Flashcard

injection is used as a pharmacologic cardiac stress test. Often used in patients unable to exercise during the stress test.


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207- Flashcard

augments myocardial contractility and promotes coronary and systernic vasodilation.


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208- Flashcard

These actions lead to increased heart rate and increased myocardial work and can reveal areas of in chemia in the myocardiam that are detected by

echocardiogram or nuclear medicine

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209- Flashcard

applied topically in nasal packs (for epistaxis) or in a gingival string (for gingivectomy)


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210- Flashcard

is still sometimes used for nasopharyngeal surgery because combines a hemostatic effect with local anesthesia.


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211- Flashcard

Occasionally, cocaine is mixed with ____ for maximum hemostasis and local anesthesia.


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212- Flashcard

One of the most important uses of sympathominetic drugs is in the therapy of

bronchial asthma.

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213- Flashcard

albuterol metaproterenol, tertutaline)

Beta 2-selective drugs

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214- Flashcard

Short acting preparations can be used only transiently for acube treatment of

asthma symptoms

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215- Flashcard

For chronic authma treatment in adults, long-acting @ 2 agonists should only be used as an addition to steroids because they may increase

morbidity used alone

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216- Flashcard

and related imediate (type gt-mediated reactions affect both the respiratory and the cardiovascular systems

Anaphylactic shock

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217- Flashcard

The syndrome of treechospasm, mucous membrane congestion angioedema, and severe hypotension usually responds rapidly to the parenteral administration of epinephrine, 0.3-0.3 me 10.3-0.5 mL of a 1:1000

epinephine solutoel

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218- Flashcard

may be the preferred route of administration

Intramuscular injection

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219- Flashcard

(both H1 and H2 receptor antagonists may be useful as secondary theory

Chacocorticoids and antihistamines

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220- Flashcard

agrees of choice in anaphytas presumably because episeplvine activates 01 and 2 receptors, all of which be important in revering the pathophysiologic processes underlying anaphylaxis


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